Faculty Sabbaticals

Faculty Sabbatical Overview

The information on the tabs below provides an overview of the Faculty Sabbatical process.  Faculty sabbaticals are governed by the follow Board Policy (BP) and System Procedure (SP):

  1. Only Fulltime Regular Faculty are eligible to apply.
    • The term “regular faculty” comes from Board Policy 3-10 and refers to regular, non-provisional faculty.
  2. Faculty member must have completed six consecutive full-time academic year contracts to be eligible.
  3. Faculty member must have been in good performance standing for the past 3 years to be eligible.
  4. Sabbatical can only be taken once in every six consecutive full-time contract years.
  5. Faculty member will receive full pay plus benefits for a one semester sabbatical or half pay plus benefits for a two-semester sabbatical.
  6. Sabbatical and final reporting will be part of annual performance evaluation.
  7. Published works resulting from sabbatical are subject to BP 3-90 copyrights and patents.
  8. Faculty member must complete one full-time contract year following sabbatical or may be required to repay sabbatical salary and benefits costs.
  9. Faculty member must fulfill all requirements of the sabbatical plan or may be required to repay sabbatical salary and benefits costs.

  1. Sabbatical is a privilege, rather than a right, and subject to availability of resources.
  2. Sabbatical applicants should contact their College President’s Office to determine internal college resource availability and requirements for application and approval.
  3. Application must be approved by applicant’s supervisor and College President.
  4. Complete application must be submitted to the College President a minimum of six months in advance of planned sabbatical.
  5. Final approval is processed by the CCCS Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs.
  6. Sabbatical plan revisions must be approved by College President and CCCS Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs.
Sabbatical Application Requirements Checklist

Completed application packet should contain each of the following:

  • The completed and signed application form (which serves as your application packet cover page)
  • Sabbatical Plan and Timeline addressing each of the following:
    • How the sabbatical will impact the faculty member’s professional growth
    • How the sabbatical will enhance the College’s role and mission and its students’ educational experience
    • How the sabbatical meets and forwards Board priorities, the CCCS Strategic Plan, and/or the College strategic plan
    • How the sabbatical will increase the overall level of knowledge in the faculty member’s discipline and/or profession

  1. Faculty member must submit a final sabbatical report within the first semester of return.
  2. Sabbatical reports are public documents to be shared within my college and CCCS.
Sabbatical Report Requirements Checklist

A written report of sabbatical activities shall be submitted to the college President within the semester following return from leave. The final report should include the following elements:

  • The completed Final Report form, used as a cover sheet
  • Approved Sabbatical Application Form
  • Approved Sabbatical Plan and Timeline
  • Description of project discussing intended outcomes and achieved outcomes
  • Changes made during the project, if applicable
  • Research methods, if applicable
  • Narrative describing how the sabbatical impacted the faculty member’s professional growth
  • Narrative describing how the sabbatical enhanced the College’s role and mission and its students’ educational experience
  • Narrative describing how the sabbatical met and forwarded Board priorities, the CCCS Strategic Plan, and/or the College strategic plan
  • Narrative describing how the sabbatical increased the overall level of knowledge in the faculty member’s discipline and/or profession
  • Other professional accomplishments during the sabbatical